Yet Again...
J'nette Kwakye has got me following her into the abyss of the world wide web. Yet again J'nette has got me all involved in the land on the internet.
I was happily trotting along with my myspace page until J'nette insisted I reactive my facebook page.
Now that she's got me strung out on Facebook (you do know its addictive), she's added a new one to the list... Blogspot. As usual I'm late but I'm jumpin on the bandwagon anyway.
But ya gatta love her. We're all part of her BlogSport group http://trustmeiruntrack.blogspot.com
make sure you check it out lotz of fun stuff.
Oh and those of you that know me for my mad videos on youtube and facebook. I'll be bringing them to the blogspot... if i can figure out how to do it. LOL
Well you'll be seeing me around so keep ya eyes peeled. Or you can just follow this blog.
ciao 4 now
Tasha D